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A marathon in under 3 hours


martski | 2014-04-12 07:04:16 | 3 hozzászólás

Tomorrow is the Vienna marathon, my next try to get closer to 3 hours. It is 18 months since I last ran a marathon - a long time!

Last year was very disappointing with injury. I had improved a lot, and was interested to see if I could run under 3 hours 10 for the Budapest marathon. Well I got injured shortly before, and couldn't do it Rosszall

Now, I believe I have improved further. My half marathon best time came 2 weeks ago at Debrecen at 4:07 min/km pace. This compares to 4:11 last september.

My original target for the Vienna marathon was 3 hours 10, but really I should do quite a bit better - I think under 3 hours 5 is realistic.
I had thought for a while that just maybe I have a chance for 3 hours, but I need to be realistic - that is a bit too much for me now. However the Budapest marathon later this year could well be the one.

I have managed my injuries quite carefully, and after multiple leg and hip injuries, the latest is upper back. I have been seeing a physio and she has given a lot of exercises that strengthen the back, but also core and some leg muscles that I wouldn't focus on otherwise. It has been quite useful!

Interestingly, I haven't lost that much weight this time. I assumed that my weight would fall off as normal, but I am only 1-2kg lighter, and not as light as before previous marathons. However I believe I am fitter.

The only concern I have is distance. Before previous marathons, I ran at least 3 times 30km before the race. This time, I have done that once only with 32km, and that was 5 weeks ago. I had to stop myself trying a long run during my taper.

One good thing is that the weather looks perfect for running - a start of 10-11C going up to 14-15C, mild winds and chance of light rain.

Well, I guess we'll see - here's to getting closer to that 3 hour time, and to set myself up for breaking it later this year!

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