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Travelling and injections

martski | 2011-07-29 22:30:02 | 2 hozzászólás

I travel a lot with my job. Over the past month I have been to India and Kenya. It sounds glamorous, but it isn't - lots of time on aeroplanes, in airports, and studying the night before to make sure I am ready for my training the next day. Plus having a family means I am trying to get back, so often I am not staying the extra day to see something special - e.g. a safari in Kenya.

It also makes running difficult - can I go running around the streets in Kenya or India? Probably not, so I am dependent on the gyms. Then my suitcase in India arrived 4 days after I did - so I had no running shoes :)

The other aspect is injections. I have had it a bit 'interesting' recently - firstly with India - I had to get typhoid and Hepatitis A. These were milder, but 2 weeks later I had a visit to Kenya.

The worst thing about visiting Kenya was the yellow fever injection. Not painful, or any huge reaction, but rather a subtle effect a few days later with a massive cold that went down into my lungs - a mild pneumonia I guess and then one huge head cold afterwards which stopped me running at any speed for quite some time.

So, running can be hard in such situations, and it is begining to show - I am nowhere near as fit as I would like.

Anyway, I guess I should be happy, I am avoiding injury and keeping somewhat fit, though I would like to be in a much fitter status than I am! 

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