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A marathon in under 3 hours

Just a minute - a new blog

martski | 2012-03-11 14:07:56 | Nincs hozzászólás!

I decided to start this blog in place of the previous one - a marathon in under 3 hours. 

I am not sure I will ever reach that goal of the previous blog - a marathon in under 3 hours - though I definitely would like to achieve it. But it matters a little less to me if I don't - what does matter is that I continue to improve, year on year, race on race. And even more than that, to make sure I am healthy and enjoy the running.

I progressed a lot by reading a really excellent book 'Chi-Running' and I have to say I have read over 10 different running books, but this is by far the best I have read with all its careful advice and then all the many small tips and tricks it offers.

The general change to my running is that my distance is significantly increasing and I try much less the intervals and tempo runs, as these were what tended to push me into injury. I am focusing much more on a relaxed running style, and to elminate many of the bad habits I had. A good starting explanation is at 

Part of my problem is me: I also have to stop myself from getting excited when I do some intervals or tempo runs with good results and want to try and do it again too quickly.  Probably I should do just one all out interval/tempo run a week, though I'll consider if I can do more later.


It is interesting currently in that my distance in February 2012 was over 40km further than my previous month best of November 2011. My base is way way stronger than it ever was.

I have now increased the distances pretty significantly again in March in preparation for the Vienna marathon, and I am enetering the Debrecenand Vivicitta half marathons and then will taper and reduce the distances.

I am also running over 25km several more times than I did in preparation for Vienna. Running long distances is no longer a big issue for me.

I hope when running in Vienna, I have a much better base to get a good time, and more importantly not get injured. Then I can relax a little for a few weeks and then get back into running for another marathon or several half marathons in Summer/Autumn.

Oh, and I am running for a charity - have a look

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