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Már 56 031 715 km-t sportoltatok
A marathon in under 3 hours

3 hours, I'm dreaming. 3 ora, Én álmodom

martski | 2010-12-10 23:53:22 | 11 hozzászólás

I don't believe I am writing these words. 

But yes I am. I would like to run a marathon in 3 hours.

Am I crazy? Yes.

Will it be easy? No.

Can I do it? I'm not sure, but I'll try. 

I'll try over the next 2-3 years, getting better and better, and we'll see :)

What chance? Well it depends on work, family and free time, and motivation, but I am going to try!


Nem is hiszem hogy ezeket a szöveket irom le.

De igen, Szeretnék futni egy maratont 3 orán belül.

Vagyok őrült? Igen.

Lesz könnyű? Nem.

Tudom csinálni? Nem vagyok benne biztos, de megpróbálom

Megpróbálom az elkövetkező 2-3 évben, egyre jobb és jobb, és majd meglátjuk:)

Mi az esélye? Hát ez attól függ, munka, a család és a szabadidő és a motiváció, de én megpróbálom! Azt igerem!

Remélem érthető a magyarom!

11 hozzászólás

Bozót 5142 napja
Bozót képe

Well, judging by your running log, a sub-3 marathon is doable, especially if you're willing to give yourself time. Go for it!

monique 5142 napja
monique képe

I always believed that any average male is capable of a sub-3 even though it may not be so easy to get there (could need quite some work). people with talent beyond average will need less time than the average guy, that's all the difference in my opinion. so yeah, go for it :)

PS: do you live in Hungary? yes your Hungarian is readable just fine. :)

Molnartomasz 5142 napja
Molnartomasz képe

Hi, this is the way, how the skinny African guys train for the fast marathons! Follow their way, and you definitely will run the marathon in 3 hours, or even faster! Good luck!

martski 5140 napja
martski képe

Thanks all. I will give time -  it might take 2-3 years. Hopefully I can avoid injuries.. In the half marathons, I am not that far off the correct pace, but to do 4m15 per km for 42 km will be hard. 

I'll try and train like the Kenyans - without over-training :) 

Monerd2 - thanks. I have lived in Hungary since January '93, I can speak Hungarian, but have never written it.


monique 5140 napja
monique képe

um, what is kenyan training like? :)

Bozót 5139 napja
Bozót képe

Monerd, HARD :)

monique 5139 napja
monique képe

okay but that can mean many different approaches for training. :) I liked this link though:

martski 5139 napja
martski képe

I was responding to the youtube link sent by Molnartomasz above. 

I like your link Monerd2 - it is a balanced approach combining lactate threshold improvement together with other types of sessions, like intervals. 

One particular thing I have been advised to do, is improve my 5K and 10K times a lot. 


monique 5139 napja
monique képe

what are your 5K and 10K PR's now? just curious :)

martski 5139 napja
martski képe

It may seem strange, but I am not sure! I haven't run that distance properly for a long time.

My last half marathon was at 4m28 per km. So probably a little faster than that - around 4m15 pace I would think. I can't keep faster than 4m15 pace for long.

So 5K - about 21-22 minutes 

10K about 44 minutes

I need to get onto Margitsziget once the snow melts and measure it properly.

monique 5139 napja
monique képe

oh it is not that strange! when one is improving constantly, old PR's become outdated quickly. :)

my guess for 10K would be: 42:30-43:00 rather than 44. as far as I know, with a 44min 10K you can't really run a 1:34 half. :) 42:30 is right at the 4:15 pace. and I'm pretty sure 5K would be a race you can run faster than in training anyway!

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